Hudson NY! My aunt that I just recently visited lives there! Never got to explore much there, but it looks like you did!

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It's a great place to visit!

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Cool idea about walking barefoot helping to ground yourself to your photography process! Living in Winnipeg with cold winters half the year leaves me only so much time to walk barefoot but maybe I’ll give it a go this summer! Kudos also to switching and changing things up. Love the schedule and patterns that you have set. Also gorgeous photo!

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Thank you very much Michael. I appreciate that a lot. Even though it may be cold out, still embrace that! It's good to expose your body to extremes and come back to base line. I remember walking in the snow this past winter in new jersey barefoot on some days!

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Jun 21Liked by Colin Czerwinski

Barefoot photographic outings - I love it. That light is incredible, what a reward for getting up early!

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Quite! Thank you D!

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